Summer Reading (SEP 2017)

Over the summer, a small group Honor students gather around and read Brian Greene's "The Fabric of the Cosmos", which followed the well-known book "The Elegant Universe". for our book presentation with Dr. Bahrim. Our group met in one of the conference rooms of the Honors College to show our researches about one topic in the textbook
Flash Points of Flight Lecture (Oct,3 2017)

At this Distinguished Faculty Lecture, Flashpoints of Flight, Dr. Sarah Hillin focused on history's lesser known female aviators.
Wetland and Climate Change (Feb,22,2018)

The Lamar University student chapter of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society, will present Dr. Beth Middleton, research ecologist at the Wetland & Aquatic Research Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Lafayette, Louisiana since 2002, in a presentation “Wetlands & Climate Change: The Reconnection of People and the Land,” on Thursday, February 22.
EXPO 2019 (April)

The fifth annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities EXPO showcased the breadth and depth of my undergraduate research, and was sponsored by LU’s Office of Undergraduate Research. The Expo included 112 presentations by 190 students working with 52 faculty mentors representing 25 academic departments